Grace was our first big pig. She was a survivor of a filthy backyard breeder who put her on a Craigslist ad as “good enough for dog food” because they didn’t want to fix the hernia in her abdomen. We spent a great deal of time and resources helping Grace get the care she needed, which included multiple major surgeries and extensive home care. It was lovely to watch Grace heal both physically and emotionally, and we helped her live many more years as a Sanctuary Babe beside her chosen family of beautiful rescued pigs. She was free to do as she pleased. She had exceptional healthcare at some of the best schools in the country. Her feet were always perfect. Her hair was lush and beautiful. If it weren’t for the hernia, you’d never have known she was chronically ill her whole life. Her caregivers knew her and respected her well enough to identify ANY little change, and react as quickly as possible. It was the best we could possibly offer her for as long as we could make it happen.
Grace refused breakfast one morning and we immediately transported her to the hospital. The staff evaluated her right away and found she was in heart failure. Her entire body was overloaded with extensive amounts of fluid. Her heart was severely compromised, and we didn’t know the underlying cause. We discussed all the potential options, which weren’t many. We consulted several doctors in different specialties, and the conclusion was the same. She was too unstable to sedate and survive, and we didn’t have enough technology to diagnose whatever the problem was in a timeframe that was humane for her. Grace passed peacefully, with her best friend by her side.
She was loved immensely. She is deeply missed. As always, we honor her life by continuing to care for her family. They are ALL equally as deserving of our respect, our compassion, and our protection. Not just the “sanctuary” animals. Not just “pets”. ALL of them.