Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

The Feral Neighborhood Restoration Project

Project Status:
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Not yet! We are still working on it!

Restoration of neighborhoods has been a multi-year process that we’ve rolled out in different phases. Now that we’re certain everyone has enough shelter and shaded awning space, we are slowly replacing some of the oldest houses on the property that had signs of structural decay. The Feral Neighborhood is home to Big Boss Charity and her family of nearly thirty pigs. We’ve purchased the shell of their house, and we’re now fully customizing the interior to be comfortable for some of our largest and oldest pigs.

Sunshine demolishing an old, unusable house in the Feral Neighborhood.


The project still needs a soft sandy floor, insulation, paneling, an awning, and construction of a catch pen and a chute pen. The approximate additional cost will be approximately $7000.


The feral neighborhood was initially built years ago on the very edge of the holler. The houses were placed directly on the ground, and erosion and rot have destroyed their structural integrity. It has also caused the houses to start sliding down the hillside. The combination of those two things made our attempts at restoration impossible, and we had to choose replacement of the buildings.

The other challenge is the amount of very large and elderly pigs in this neighborhood. We’ve had to move very slowly on this project so as not to cause too much disruption to residents who are at the end of their lives. We want the neighborhood to look beautiful, but it’s more important that it’s safe, comfortable, clean, and functional for the specific needs of the herd.

Help us with the Feral Neighborhood Restoration Project!