Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

Meet Charity!


Sex: Female


The Big Boss herself! Charity is an absolute force of nature. She’s one of the only pure Feral pigs on the property, with thick brown hair that makes for perfect camouflage and a leaner, sharper build. Don’t let her size fool you—though she’s smaller than most other breeds, Charity is a powerful girl. She’s the alpha of the Feral neighborhood and extremely possessive of anything that she considers her property, including her son Joey and the side-by-side. Charity won’t hesitate to charge if someone intrudes on her territory, and even the largest pigs are wary of getting too close to Baby Joey. Despite her fierce nature, Charity is a happy pig, and she’s pretty tolerant of people as long as they don’t cross her boundaries. She’s also a champion napper, though all it takes is the sound of a vehicle to sound her internal snack alert. Her magnificence and intensity have made her the rightful face of the Feral and Fabulous line.