🎃 Celebrate all things Fall with the FIFTH annual No-K from Odd Man Inn! 🍂

The HOA Meeting

Odd Man Inn HOA

Miss Cleo

We are excited to invite you to the first quarterly Odd Man Inn HOA Meeting.

Meeting Details

  • Date: Tuesday, April 16
  • Time: 5:00 PM CST (6:00 EST / 3:00 PST)
  • Where: Virtually through Google Meet (We will send you a link to the event once you sign up!)

In the HOA Meeting, you will have a chance to:

  • Interact directly with our Executive Director, Wendy, and a member of our volunteer Board, sharing in the leadership and vision of Odd Man Inn.

  • Engage in insightful discussions about the sanctuary’s operations, future plans, and daily life.

  • Ask questions, provide constructive feedback, and share concerns—even if it is enforcing a no peeing rule in the swamps!—in a supportive and engaging environment.

Join Us!

To ensure everyone can interact meaningfully and contribute to the discussion, we will cap attendance at 20 participants per session. Should interest surpass this limit, we’re ready to schedule more meetings to include all our enthusiastic community members.

Help shape Odd Man Inn's future!

Whether it’s a click on our donate button or joining our Medical Care Crew on Patreon, by contributing $50 monthly, you are invited to attend our quarterly “HOA Meetings” and play a part in sculpting the future of OUR sanctuary—yes, that includes YOU! Let’s build this together, one month at a time.

Pictured is our sweet Abbey Christopher with his friend, Annalisa. Abbey Christopher passed earlier this month at New Bolton after he was diagnosed with widespread lymphoma, which is not treatable. He lived ELEVEN lovely years here in sanctuary, which is a beautiful thing for a huge Berkshire pig who was destined to be slaughtered at just 6 months old. We are all better humans for having known him. 

Sign Ups are now closed. To join the waitlist please email info@oddmaninn.org.