In loving memory of...


Born to Momma Memphis, Nelson was one of the special spotted Fuzzy Ferals who brought so much character to our Feral Neighborhood. His distinctive coat, reminiscent of a loofah, made him a perfect embodiment of what we lovingly call our “Fuzzy Potatoes.”

Though shy by nature, as many ferals are, Nelson received devoted care from our partners at the University of Tennessee, who helped ensure his comfort during necessary medical treatments. His gentle spirit taught us that sometimes the most special souls need just a little extra patience and care.

On his final morning, Nelson came to breakfast with a clear neurological issue. He was struggling to use both his back legs. It was muddy and rainy and messy. We immediately called our docs and started the very difficult process of getting him in the trailer from the middle of the field. It’s one of the hardest load-ups we do. We did it as carefully and gently as we possibly could. He went immediately to the University of Tennessee, where they stabilized him and managed his pain.

Once stable, he was sedated for a CT scan, which showed a very serious back injury that couldn’t be fixed. It was our fear all along. He was humanely euthanized while under anesthesia by our very kind vet team.

Caring for animals like Nelson isn’t all belly rubs and selfies, but it’s magical to live beside animals who are so closely bonded to their families. It’s breathtaking to see them guard one another, move as a sounder across the field, share their resources, and communicate with such synchronicity. Nelson is survived by a very large family of brothers and sisters, including Dalai, Buddha, Gandhi, Anita, Jane, Maireed, Ripley, Winnie, Blossom, and Veena. He lived his entire life beside his mom, Memphis, and his Dad, Martin. He was loved and protected by his giant fuzzy Uncle King and Aunt Coretta.

While we mourn his loss, we celebrate the unique and precious gift his life was to all who knew him.