OMI has spent the last 31 months in rural Tennessee, getting the healthcare and animal care infrastructure up to standards for the 159 pigs surrendered to us on April 1, 2021. This has included:
We first want to THANK you for your support of Odd Man Inn. Since our very modest start in 2014 in Washington State, we have been focused on a path to help the organization outlive us for many generations. Moving to Tennessee meant we had to stretch our belief in the mission and in our supporters to help us push through this very difficult few years of growth. YOU have come through in every possible way. We are still here doing this work because of you.
In order to get out of the current “Sketchy House” on the property, we need a safe temporary space for animal caregiver headquarters and administration. We are raising funds to help support our very methodical steps in this process, while continuing to provide the animals with every possible thing they need.
WHEN? This project is immediately underway to ensure we have a safe space for animal caregivers to work in the winter.
WHY? The current house on the property has been at risk of collapse since we assumed guardianship in 2021. We have managed the space as safely as possible in order to prioritize the needs of the animals. With all of our spays completed, we are ready to fix this issue!
WHAT? The current house has had significant structural damage caused by poor construction, water damage, and lack of maintenance for the last 20 years. We need to demolish it to clear a site for the new Animal Care Headquarters and Medical Barn.
WHEN? This will not be done until Spring 2024 when we are safely ready to let the current house go.
WHY? The current house is NOT salvageable. Mold, rodents, weather, and years of disregard before we arrived on the property have left it far beyond what we can fix.
WHAT? Build the new Animal Caregiver Headquarters and Medical Barn on the site of the current “Sketchy House.”
WHEN? This could start as early as Fall 2024, depending on funding and ease of the previous step.
WHY? The tiny house is only meant to bridge us out of the “Sketchy House”. A facility of this size with this many animals needs a proper workspace for caregivers, climate controlled medical stalls, and a functional space for onsite medical care.
WHAT? Transition Animal Caregivers out of the tiny house into the new headquarters. Repurpose the tiny house as planned.
WHEN? This will likely happen in early 2025, depending on funding and ease of the previous step.
WHY? In an effort not to waste any funding as we move through this transition, we are planning to reuse every item. The tiny house can serve a multitude of purposes as we figure out what we need when we get to this phase. Animal Care will live in the heart of the sanctuary where the current “Sketchy House” is located, leaving the tiny house as a blank slate. We can’t see this far into the future, but the options would be either rental space for guests, or animal caregiver housing, if needed.
WHAT? Build a proper Welcome Center where the tiny house was located.
WHEN? The goal would be to start this at the end of 2025 if all the other phases are completed.
WHY? This property was initially designed as a single family dwelling, but it is now owned by a bustling nonprofit, and we need to design it as such. Having a proper Welcome Center with administrative offices at the entrance to the property will stop the current flow of public traffic from entering the sanctuary grounds. We will be able to increase security simply by limiting access. Guests will be received by staff before they are allowed entrance to the property.
Your support of our mission has led to some very incredible results since 2014. We have supporters and donors in over 20 countries. You are part of a team of humans who believe that if we each contribute a little, together, we can do beautiful things for the animals who need our help.
As we close out the year, can you spare a little good fortune to help us with PHASE ONE of “Get OMI out of the Sketchy House”?