Help Our Sister Janice Walk Without Pain Again!

The Muppets, Camilla and Scooter, are organizing this fundraiser.

Hello! We’re Camilla and Scooter, and we’re on a mission to help our sweet sister Janice. Together, we’re the Muppets—a trio of KuneKune pigs rescued this year by Odd Man Inn. And, right now, our little family needs your help!

Janice's Story

Our whole family came to live at OMI because Janice had an undiagnosed injury that needed treatment. “Rescue People” don’t leave family members behind, and they helped us all get out safely from the world of animal agriculture! Our caretakers at OMI and our doctors at the University of Tennessee have figured out the source of Janice’s pain: she has a broken elbow.

Here’s where we need your help!

Janice needs an elbow replacement surgery to fix her leg so she can run and play with us again. While this surgery is common in dogs and cats, it is groundbreaking for animals like us!

The estimated cost for this advanced surgical SOLUTION to Janice’s injury is $10,000, and Odd Man Inn can’t do it alone. We need just a little help from kind people like you!

Janice's pre-surgery X-ray showing the broken right elbow.
The proposed elbow replacement.

What Your Donation Means

By donating to Janice’s surgery, you’ll be giving our sister the chance to live a full, happy life. She’s only one year old and, with your support, she can make a full recovery and enjoy many, many years of belly scritches, secret snacks, swamping, and mischievous adventures with us.

But, that’s not all. You’re not just helping one young pig with your donation. You’re helping advance medical care for farmed animals like us and showing the world that ALL animals, regardless of their species, deserve the best care possible.

Thank you so much for caring about Janice. We know she’s going to be okay because we have the best friends in the world—people like YOU who believe that EVERY animal deserves a Sanctuary Babe life.


Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet
Med Barn, OMI

Words of support

Your name and messages of support will appear on the donor wall within a few hours. We appreciate your patience.


This fundraiser is a parody and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by GoFundMe. “GoFundMuppet” is a playful reference and is used in the spirit of fun and creativity to engage our supporters.

The “GoFundMuppet” logo and name are intended for a one-time charitable fundraising effort by Odd Man Inn Animal Refuge, in support of medical care for Janice, a KuneKune pig. All funds raised through this campaign will be used solely for the medical treatment and care of Janice.