🎃 Celebrate all things Fall with the FIFTH annual No-K from Odd Man Inn! 🍂

Meet LJ!


Age: Unknown

Sex: Male


LJ was one of the 159 pigs surrendered to OMI when we moved to Tennessee and took over the herd in 2021. When animals of any species come into rescue, the common denominator is compassion. Someone shows them enough compassion to place value on their life. LJ was intended to be a “show pig,” which promotes perfection in breeding for the intention of selling an animal into the slavery of the food chain. Young people pour their hearts into caring for young animals to show them with pride in the community, and they then have to sell the animal to be slaughtered as a final act of betrayal of the relationship they have formed. LJ was one of the rare lucky survivors of that industry.

LJ has very distinct notches in his ears, as do many of our large breed pigs. They are cut into the ears of babies by humans who wish to be able to identify the pigs in a litter. The pigs are stuck with the remnants of that mutilation for the rest of their lives. Pigs like LJ are often referred to as “production breeds” or “farm pigs” as a way to minimize their status in society. We try not to use terminology like that, which is detrimental to our pig friends. They are equally as worthy of respect for their individual personalities, needs and preferences as any animal with the “companion animal” designation. There is no difference except that the world of animal agriculture has worked for years to minimize his status in order to profit from his flesh.