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Meet Martin Luther!

Martin Luther

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male


Martin was one of the original four Fuzzy Ferals who arrived in 2018 from the Memphis Animal Shelter with Coretta, baby King, and a very pregnant Momma Memphis. He has a distinctively sleek coat, which matches many of the babies in Memphis’ first litter. We are highly suspicious that he is the father of the first batch of babies she delivered here under the former administration. He still lives beside all of the original Fuzzy Ferals in what we lovingly call the Feral neighborhood. He’s a big boy with a very distinct face. He has a long snout like a wild boar, but his cute polka dots tell us he’s likely mixed with some domesticated breeds. Martin has a classic feral demeanor, and we respect his “no touch” request unless we have to trailer him to the hospital for care with our vet partners at the University of Tennessee. We have the utmost respect for their nature, so we’re happy to oblige if the Ferals sometimes need a little pharmacologic help in order to tolerate handling.

The Fuzzy Ferals

The Fuzzy Ferals started with just four pigs, but grew to a herd of eighteen in just four short months. Momma Memphis arrived from the Memphis Animal Shelter in October 2018 under the care of the former administration of this property. She was accompanied by Martin and Coretta, both fully grown, and baby King. Shortly after arriving, she gave birth to seven spotted babies, many of whom resembled Martin. Four months later, because King was neutered too late, she gave birth to seven more fuzzy little potatoes who all resembled King.

Prey animals like pigs are extremely efficient at procreation because the survival of their species depends on it. Females can become pregnant as soon as they deliver, and they can have three litters of up to fifteen babies a year. Males are fertile very quickly, which means caregivers need to exercise extreme caution when they have an unaltered male on the property. 

The Fuzzy Ferals were spayed once OMI took over the Tennessee property, which further improved their chances for a long and healthy life. Female pigs are highly susceptible to reproductive abnormalities if left unspayed, which can significantly impact the quality and length of their lives. Not only are the Fuzzy Ferals living in safety with their family, but they have now received full Sanctuary Babe status with the addition of an appropriate level of species-specific healthcare.