🎃 Celebrate all things Fall with the FIFTH annual No-K from Odd Man Inn! 🍂

Meet Sissy!


Age: Unknown

Sex: Male


Sissy is a big, elderly Hampshire pig with beautiful floppy ears. She and her brother Bubby were initially purchased as piglets to be raised for slaughter, but as the person raising them watched them grow, she quickly realized they deserved to live out their lives. Sissy was spayed in December of 2021, as a high priority case because she was showing signs of reproductive tract troubles. She had cysts in her ovaries and an inflamed, cystic uterus. After her spay, Sissy’s quality of life improved dramatically. She waits confidently at her Bus Stop during mealtime for her food to arrive, spends her days relaxing in the woods and happily flops onto her side for belly rubs when approached. 

A friend to both humans and her herdmates, Sissy is easygoing, yet confident and authoritative. While Sissy is welcome to sleep in any house she chooses, her favorites are near the OMI Secret Snack Garden. Her favorite friend is Ripley, and they can often be seen napping beside one another at the tree line going down into the holler. Mature, gentle and friendly, Sissy is the perfect neighborhood mentor to newcomers.