Heatstroke or Head Tilt Tucker, affectionately known as HT, was left with a permanent head tilt after he had heatstroke as a baby. The inquisitive position suited him; he was curious about the pigs and people who interacted with him, even if he preferred those interactions on his own terms. Originally, HT lived in the former Littles’ Yard, now the Secret Snack Garden. As he was the largest of the bunch, he would often barge at the potbellies during meals to scare them away from their food. But he mellowed out when he transitioned to the MedBarn Neighborhood, and he spent the rest of his days with a small clan of potbellies from his old yard: Pumba, Whitley, and Glitter. He could often be spotted curled around one or two of these smaller pigs in the shade of the barn.
HT sadly had terrible arthritis from a lifetime of walking crooked. We altered his care over his last few months trying to help him find some comfort, but we eventually ran out of tricks. It’s not fair to leave them in so much pain that they can’t do what’s natural to them, and so we helped ease his passing with the help of our veterinary friends at the University of Tennessee.
In HT’s old age, his big, fuzzy Guinea Hog’s gentle nature shone through, and he lived contentedly with the friends that he chose. He loved to eat. He loved belly rubs and back scratches. He was gentle and friendly and adored by us all, and we miss him.