The Cats

are holding their Annual HOA Election!

Meet the Candidates Running for HOA President!

Each neighborhood has nominated one representative for this crucial election, and we’re asking you to help us decide the winner. You can read each candidate’s platform in detail and vote for them on their neighborhood page. Every vote counts—support your favorite Sanctuary Babes today! (Yes, you can vote for more than one candidate.)

Your VOTES will Help us Stock the Clinic!

This year, we’re stocking the clinic for our animal caregiving team! All proceeds from your votes (tax-deductible donations) go directly towards procuring very essential items we need to provide care for the animals every day.

  • A full year’s supply of all their pharmaceutical needs (arthritis meds, antibiotics, supplements, and much more)
  • Bandages and dressings
  • Wound treatments
  • Syringes, needles and “slap-shots”
  • Special ointments and shampoos
  • Hoof-care items and tools
  • PPE for caregivers
  • Bread and peanut butter for daily med delivery (we use a LOT!)
  • Brushes, sponges, towels, rags, etc.

The HOA Presidential Primary Election Tracker

The Presidential Primary ends on March 14, when the election is pared down. The General Election ballot will be limited to the three leading campaigns!

Meet ALL the Voters!

Come Meet the Sanctuary Babes in Their Neighborhoods!

The Old Guys

The MedBarn

Sissy is one of the residents of the Garden Houses Neighborhood.

Garden Houses

Solsbury Hill

Cabin Houses



Cow Pasture

Goat Pasture

Mini OMI