Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

Guinea Hog

Meet Tulip and the Pinkies!

Tulip, our charismatic ambassador for this year’s art show, is on a mission to gather a generous stockpile of sunscreen for herself and her fellow “Pinkies”—our mostly pink-skinned pigs who are especially prone to skin cancer.



Odd Man Inn has always been an organization that helps the ones who are messy and discarded. That’s Edward. He was an unaltered male left behind after a foreclosure. He

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When we met Gus, he was small enough to fit through a cat flap. He was a tiny little runt piglet that was part of a strange “rent a runt”

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Dave is one of our Washington original pigs. He was being raised for slaughter in a neighborhood backyard, and his fate changed because a man walked by every day with

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Biscuits arrived at OMI after being picked up as a stray by the Humane Society for Southwest Washington. Local dog and cat shelters often carry a contract with the county

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Animal Control in Cowlitz County, WA called one day to ask if we’d take a pig with a serious injury to her leg. Eppah’s breed is called a Guinea Hog,

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