Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!


Welcome to Our Project Directory!

We’re hard at work building this page to showcase all our past projects, ongoing initiatives and future plans. While it’s still a work in progress, we’re excited to share more soon.

Check back regularly to see updates on our projects and discover new ways to get involved. Your interest and support mean the world to us as we continue to grow and make a difference.

Animal Care

Feral Neighborhood Restoration

Restoration of neighborhoods has been a multi-year process that we’ve rolled out in different phases. Now that we’re certain everyone has enough shelter and shaded awning space, we are slowly

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Animal Care

Hay Barn

Description After many years of struggling to store all the feed hay and bedding we need for winter, we constructed a Hay Barn to serve as a safe and dry

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Description This structure will function as the Headquarters for Animal Caregiving to get the remaining daily operations out of the Sketchy House. It has taken many strategic steps to remove

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Animal Care

Feral Fencing

Description In October 2023, we took on the enormous task of replacing 20-year-old fencing along the north perimeter of the property. The neighboring property is frequented by hunters, and we

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Animal Care

Insulating Pig Houses

Description Our first phase of restoring this Tennessee property was to provide enough adequate and safe housing for the 159 pigs who were surrendered to us. The second phase was

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