Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

Meet Grace!


Sex: Male


Grace was our first big pig. She was being used as a breeder just a few miles up the road from us when we lived in Washington. She was young, and her first litter of piglets somehow resulted in a c-section at the University of Oregon. Her former people did not keep her on strict enough rest after a major abdominal surgery, and her entire incision herniated. They then listed her online as “good enough for dog food.” That’s how we found Grace.

We spent a great deal of time and resources helping Grace get the care she needed, which included multiple major surgeries and extensive home care. Witnessing a pig like Grace heal both physically and emotionally is an absolutely beautiful part of rescue work. Though she will require some degree of advanced healthcare for the rest of her life due to the damage done by that initial injury to her muscle wall, she is living a perfectly normal pig life here with us in Tennessee. She’s confident, proud of her home and secure in the fact that she is treated with the utmost respect by her caregivers.