Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

Meet Jethro!


Age: Unknown

Sex: Male


Jethro was part of the Gen Pop herd when we arrived in Tennessee in 2021, but he was struggling to manage the crowd because of his shy and gentle demeanor. We immediately moved him into the Med Barn to help him decompress in a neighborhood that has less activity. Jethro is now part of a small herd of potbelly boys in the Med Barn, and he’s still the shyest of the bunch. It’s just his personality, so we do all we can to make sure he feels safe and comfortable. He likes to get close for snacks and meals, but otherwise he’s very content to stay with his pig family. Little black potbelly pigs are often difficult to distinguish, and in his case we help new people identify him by his shyness.