Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

American Yorkshire

Meet Tulip and the Pinkies!

Tulip, our charismatic ambassador for this year’s art show, is on a mission to gather a generous stockpile of sunscreen for herself and her fellow “Pinkies”—our mostly pink-skinned pigs who are especially prone to skin cancer.



The Flower Girls are named Flower, Buttercup and Iris. They are Yorkshire sisters who were rescued from a zoo in Minnesota that showcased a petting zoo exhibit. When the female

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The Flower Girls are named Flower, Buttercup and Iris. They are Yorkshire sisters who were rescued from a zoo in Minnesota that showcased a petting zoo exhibit. When the female

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The Great Banzini

The Great Banzini is part of the Pantalones family. He came to live at OMI in the summer of 2023 after surviving a very traumatic abuse and neglect case in

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Harlan has one of the most perfect faces you’ve ever seen. His snout is long and beautifully shaped, like he should be the subject of paintings. Pigs like Harlan are

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Ezra can be identified by the “quizzical” look on his face, as though he always has his eyebrows arched upwards. He has a nearly perfect shape to his face and

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Zeke is over 6 feet long and weighs close to 1000 pounds. He’s a massive boy that we jokingly call “the Limousine.” His ears have a cute forward tilt that

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Everett is easy to distinguish because of his perfect ears and one blue eye. He has a certain magic about the expression on his face. It’s always a look of

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Ennis has a nervous, shy nature that really makes you realize how serious it is to be born as a prey animal. His every move is cautious. He’s the “North

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Eli is the biggest pig on our property, weighing in at 960 pounds. He’s a super gentle “North Carolina Boy” with a huge smiling face and a distinctive ear that

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