The Goat Pasture

are holding their Annual HOA Election!

Meet Your Finalists for HOA President!

The Primary is over. The votes are in, and we have our candidates for the General Election. A huge round of applause to all the candidates who ran in the primary—Yoda, Sid, Uncle Floyd, and Chester—your dedication to the Sanctuary Babes does not go unnoticed!

Now, it’s time for the final vote! Jedediah, Sneaky Ella, and Falkor have advanced to the general election, and they need your support to take home the presidency!

🗳 Vote as many times as you want, and remember: you can support more than one campaign! 🗳

Who will lead Odd Man Inn into the future? The choice is yours!

Your VOTES will Help us Stock the Clinic!

This year, we’re stocking the clinic for our animal caregiving team! All proceeds from your votes (tax-deductible donations) go directly towards procuring very essential items we need to provide care for the animals every day.

  • A full year’s supply of all their pharmaceutical needs (arthritis meds, antibiotics, supplements, and much more)
  • Bandages and dressings
  • Wound treatments
  • Syringes, needles and “slap-shots”
  • Special ointments and shampoos
  • Hoof-care items and tools
  • PPE for caregivers
  • Bread and peanut butter for daily med delivery (we use a LOT!)
  • Brushes, sponges, towels, rags, etc.

Come Meet the Sanctuary Babes in Their Neighborhoods!

The Old Guys

The MedBarn

Sissy is one of the residents of the Garden Houses Neighborhood.

Garden Houses

Solsbury Hill

Cabin Houses



Cow Pasture

Goat Pasture

Mini OMI