Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

Meet Tulip!


Age: Unknown

Sex: Male


Tulip was one of the eight pigs who came to OMI when Spring Farm Sanctuary downsized their operations in 2022. She’s a young, gorgeous girl who shows a fierce streak of independence that we always admire. While she’s opinionated about things like hoof care and sunscreen, she tolerates us because of the consistency in our caregiving team. Prey animals have evolved to survive and be wary of threats, which means they hate anything unfamiliar. Tulip is that girl! She started her life as what is typically called a “jumper.” When young pigs are transported between animal agriculture facilities, they desperately look for a way out of their fate. She was found on the highway by good humans who helped her to safety.

Tulip lives in our Gen Pop herd of pigs, and her friends are a mixture of breeds: Mangalitsas, Herefords, Ferals and a few little potbellies, too! The area we call the Washington/Minnesota neighborhood is our most diverse representation of sizes and breeds on the whole property. It includes Jolene from Washington, Asher from Tennessee, sweet little potbellies like Mister Lee and Betsy, Ferals like Falkor and KuneKunes like Bubo! They’re the most beautiful representation of how different sizes and breeds can live in perfect harmony.