Camilla Muppet and Scooter Muppet are organizing a fundraiser for their sister, Janice!

Carpet Houses

Meet Tulip and the Pinkies!

Tulip, our charismatic ambassador for this year’s art show, is on a mission to gather a generous stockpile of sunscreen for herself and her fellow “Pinkies”—our mostly pink-skinned pigs who are especially prone to skin cancer.


Jane Goodall

Jane was part of the first litter born to Momma Memphis here under the former administration. She is one of the MANY spotted little Fuzzy Ferals, though her coat is

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J-Lo is a mature female who has grown up on the property from a fairly young age. Like every rescue story, J-Lo’s started with a spark of compassion when her

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Journey was rescued when she was just a baby, and it’s clear she’s lived her whole life as a sanctuary pig. She’s friendly but independent, happy to spend her entire

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Kiwi is a beautiful, mature pig with mostly black coloring except for the white band around her shoulders and upper arms that’s characteristic of her Saddleback breed. She also has

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Knox was one of the 159 pigs surrendered to OMI when we moved to Tennessee and took over the herd in 2021. She’s a very beautiful Red Wattle with dark

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Luna Rose

Luna is an independent, confident lady who has lived here as a Sanctuary Babe since she was a baby. Born in 2019 and rumored to be discarded as the runt

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Mr. Martini

Upon our arrival to Tennessee, we were gifted with a young, unneutered male pig who mysteriously turned up in our pasture. While we were happy to help him, it is

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Murphy joined Odd Man Inn in August 2022 with his family members, Tommy and Gina. The three were moved from a private residence in West Tennessee that could no longer

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Wynken, Blynken, and Nod are the older version of the Pantalones! They’re three siblings who sought safety here after being abandoned and neglected as youngsters. These three were part of

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We have KuneKunes in all different colors and shapes and sizes! Butch, Sundance, Toot and Puddles are four of the 159 pigs surrendered to OMI when we took over in

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